Wesley Church Group - Susan Deason
- Atras del Estadio de Futbol San Juan La Laguna, Solola Guatemala (map)
Interested in scheduling a volunteer team? Look at our calendar to see what dates are still open. Dates that have already been claimed are underlined in black. Please note that we generally try not to schedule two teams back to back. If there's a week that you'd like to reserve, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Damaris Ulin, at volunteer.coordinator@odimguatemala.org
ODIM provides health and education services in San Juan La Laguna and San Pablo La Laguna, Guatemala. We also provide meaningful volunteer experiences to teams and individuals.
Contact us
2760 Ivandell Ave
Dallas, Texas, 75211
Find us in:
Sanjuanerita Clinic, San Juan La Laguna & Chuitinamit Clinic, San Pablo La Laguna, Sololá, Guatemala.
Give today!
Mail check (payable to ODIM) to: Martha Stowe, 1527 Waterside Ct.
Dallas, Texas, 75218