Ronald Wilhelm, PhD, Board President

Dr. Ron W. Wilhelm taught in the department of teacher education and administration at the University of North Texas from 1991-2012. Ron first came to Guatemala in 1972 and completed fieldwork for his dissertation in schools in the central highlands in 1990. He is a member of Northaven UMC in Dallas, Texas, and has brought volunteers to Guatemala since 2002.

Rev. Jeannie Jensen, Board Secretary

Rev. Jeannie Jensen is an Elder in the United Methodist Church in Kansas. Jeannie first fell in love with Guatemala on a seminary trip in 1990. She and her husband, Rich, have introduced volunteers to Guatemala every year since 1995, and have worked on projects with ODIM since 2010. She is committed to ODIM’s mission of addressing educational and healthcare needs in creative ways that are local and sustainable.

Jeanne Mathiesen, Board Treasurer

Jeanne Mathiesen is a retired Certified Public Accountant from Kansas City, Missouri, having worked in both public accounting and private industry. She is a member of Platte Woods United Methodist Church and has led or participated in mission teams to Central America since 1999. She is passionate about the mission of ODIM and looks forward to bringing groups to serve the communities of San Juan La Laguna and San Pablo La Laguna alongside the dedicated and caring staff of ODIM.

Paul Copping, Director

Paul Copping is the owner of an aircraft parts business in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  He first traveled to Guatemala with his wife, Julie, as part of a work team from Living Water UMC in 2008.  They both fell in love with the area and the people of San Juan La Laguna and San Pablo La Laguna.  They have continued to return annually and have never ceased to be amazed by the efforts of ODIM to effect change in these communities.  He enjoys serving as a board member for “the little mission that can.”

Harvey Baxter, Director

Harvey is passionate about Guatemala and ODIM. A lawyer and retired Judicial Hearing Officer from Gainesville, Florida where he is a member of Trinity UMC. His first trip to Guatemala was with Trinity in 2010 to the Ixil Triangle. Since 2012 he has been on seven ODIM mission trips. He also serves on the Board of Advisors for the Guatemala Literary Project - a Rotary International effort to improve educational opportunities for rural Guatemalan youth. Being on the ODIM board is an honor. Together, we can continue to promote healthy lives for the Tz’utujil in San Juan La Laguna and San Pablo La Laguna.

Linda Foxworthy, Director

Linda has been a family nurse practitioner in the Boston, MA area since 1982, where most of her patients are immigrants from Central America and the Caribbean. She first came to Guatemala as a wide-eyed medical volunteer in 1999 and has returned every year. ODIM’s mission to empower local women to work and lead in their own communities is exceptional. In the past few years, she has brought many of her colleagues to work with and learn from the health promoters and clinic staff at ODIM. She is honored and excited to join the board of directors.

Vickie Eaton, Director

Vickie Eaton is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist living in Oskaloosa, KS. She has worked in community clinics in San Diego where most of her patients were from Mexico and Central America and in diabetes clinical research with Medtronic. She also lived and worked in Spain from 1985-1997. She has been involved with ODIM since 2020, providing diabetes education training to the health promoters and clinical staff during yearly service trips. Upon her retirement, she is honored to participate as a board member with ODIM to help empower the Mayan people to achieve their healthiest lives possible.